Pinion, coming March 2024
- Tomato & LettuceThe Atlantic
- Prompt 281. Butterfly, Flying Home & the poet Monica Rico on superheroes and song lyricsThe Isolation Journals
- The Owls of Saginaw8-poem anthologia, Guernica
- A Lesson from my Father about ElectricityPoem-a-Day, selected by Diane Seuss
- Where the Girls AreHad
- AcrophobiaThe Blue Mountain Review
- Two PoemsLa Libreta
- Ode to the GroceryHoney Literary
- Five Things BorrowedWildness
- Get Out of My Houseecotone
- Michigan’s Original Chingona: An interview with Diane Seuss ANMLY
- My God Has the Head of a Vulture - Two poems Electric Literature
- Two poemsDiode Poetry Journal
- In the One Photo Mexico City in the Middle of Michigan2022 Latino Book Review magazine
- Two poems & a Field NoteLife List by Poetry Northwest
- American CrowBeloit Poetry Journal
- Birds of a FeatherPoet Lore
- Why I Don’t Go to ChurchWitness
- Two poems Gastronomica
- Table for Two PleaseThe Indianapolis Review
- Feeding RitualsThe Missouri Review
- Two poemsthe museum of americana
- John James Audubon and the Battle of San JacintoNewfound
- Hemingway Country Frontier Poetry
- Two poems Terrain.org
- Cortés Burning the AviariesThe Nation
- Three poems The Rupture
- Four poemsWaxwing
- Mexican American in the MidwestEssay Daily
- Conversation with Andrew HamiltonGood Hart Artist Residency
- Two poemsThe Fiddlehead
- Mise En PlaceSporklet
- Flip It And Reverse It: An Interview With Amy Sara Carroll Michigan Quarterly Review
- The Noiseless Flight of Owl WingsPoetry Daily
- The Noiseless Flight of Owl Wings Black Warrior Review
- Citizenship of the Owl at General MotorsAnomaly
- As I Remember an Unusual Bird Divides the Sky Pleiades 40.1
- Soy de la Luna & Poem in Consideration of My Death The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 4 - LatiNext
- Learning to Sail, I Can Only Think of Odysseus and Ask to be Tied to the MastBOAAT
- The Painted Skulls, Held by Wings, Glistened in Rain The Florida Review
- Poem In Consideration of My Death Cosmonauts Avenue
- ‘Poem in Consideration of My Death' by Monica Rico — Hannah Cohen Wildness
- The Universe, According to Rufino Tamayo Split This Rock
- Soy de la Luna, I am from the Moon (Volveré a la Luna, I Will Return to the Moon) Glass: A Journal of Poetry
- The Last Meal for Those Who Are Familiar With My Body of Work Barrelhouse
- Incantation On the Eve of 2017 Cleaver
- Erasures by Monica Rico Moonchild Magazine
- Self Study as a Snow Globe Sidekick Lit
- Three poems Luna Luna
- We Never Got to Cucumber SandwichesThe Ilanot Review
- One Shotgun Shell Through the Back The Ilanot Review
- A Halo of Carnations Up the Staircase Quarterly
- Yes, in 1952 White Teachers Made Their Students Stand Up and Tell the Class What Their Fathers Did for a LivingRouge Agent
- My Strange Baile Rogue Agent